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5 Signs You Need to Rethink Your Living Situation


5 signs you need to rethink your living situation 

"There's no place like home!"

Where we live is supposed to feel like a paradise on earth. So people should feel excited when they get home and eager to settle in on the couch or in their bed and unwind after a long day at work. 

Unfortunately, for many people, this isn't possible. Either their home is too small, too full of clutter, or it's just not a building that suits them.  

These are five signs you should rethink your living situation soon!

You Always Feel Stressed Out At Home

Does the idea of going home at the end of the day make your stomach turn? Do you sometimes jokingly fantasize about sleeping at your desk instead, or even just going to a hotel? Although this can seem silly, your home should be a place we look forward to going to. This isn't a question of "should I rent or buy a house?" because either situation can make it a home: this is about whether or not you're excited to be there and feel right calling it the place you live.

You Can’t Afford Anything You Enjoy

If you can’t afford good things you enjoy doing or seeing, like occasional movie tickets, or eating out once a week, you could be living above your means. But, unfortunately, this means that you're struggling to keep up with bills, or you're just barely getting by from paycheck to paycheck. A simple solution would be to cut down on your budget in other areas, but it's also a good idea to consider what you can do to boost your finances.

No Space Feels Like It's Yours

When you get home, does it feel like you struggle to find a space that's yours? Is your living room overrun by your kids playing games and being noisy? Is your kitchen a space that feels like work, and your bedroom a space only for sleep? If so, you might need more space so that you can invest time and fun in yourself.

You Feel Embarrassed to Invite People Over

Does the idea of inviting people over make you anxious? Even if your home isn't the tidiest, it shouldn't be to the point that you hate the idea of inviting people over. If this is the case, it's often because it's hard to get rid of clutter or clean up. Take a couple of weeks to declutter your home and donate/ sell/ trash anything that doesn't have utility or make you happy. 

It’s Causing Fights and Trouble in Relationships

Do you notice that all of your fights with those you live with are about the space you live in itself? This can be a sign it’s time to move on and pick a different home, whether that means buckling down and buying a home or upgrading to a larger or more attractive rental.

Everyone deserves the best living situation possible. There's nothing in the world as important as a safe and happy place that you and your loved ones can call home. Because of this, you must pay attention to your surroundings and take the time to consider making changes that can repair any negativity caused by them.